as of tomorrow, my blog name will be outdated. i have been thinking about new names for my blog like, 'the employed crafter' (doesn't really roll off the tongue) or 'the soon-to-be unemployed crafter' (that sounds a little pessimistic and depressing). i think for now, i will stick to my current name.
i am beginning to feel a little nervous about starting work. i have been unemployed for so long, it is hard for me to believe that i finally have a job and will no longer have an endless supply of time to do whatever i want. i feel the same way i did before starting a new school, unsure of what is expected of me, anxious about meeting people, and and worried that i will be able to do everything.
on another note, i am so pleased that obama chose biden for his vp! i like the fact that biden fills in most of the holes that i wanted obama to fill (more foreign policy experience and more time in the government). as someone who wasn't very excited about obama (i wanted hilrod to get the nomination), i am much happier and much more enthusiastic about the obama biden ticket!
here are three necklaces i made before gorging myself on tv and books.
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